
The Movable Ink Real-Time Pricing Solution

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  • As marketers, it’s our job to create content that speaks to our customers’ biggest needs. But without the ability to create personalized campaigns at scale with real-time pricing and inventory, we risk losing customers to our competitors.

    In our eBook, Movable Ink Real-Time Pricing Solution, you’ll see how marketers in travel, retail, sports and ticketing are using Movable Ink’s Intelligent Content Platform to:

    • Boost conversions with real-time hotel prices
    • Re-engage customers with cart abandonment emails
    • Upgrade airline seats with real-time seat maps
    • Move limited product inventory
    • Promote live ticket pricing… and more!

    Download the eBook now! 

  • Learn how to speak to your customers on a 1:1 level with real-time pricing and inventory. 

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